Webcam Cínovec
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Cínovec is located in the Ore Mountains at an altitude of 835 meters in the Ore Mountains near the Czech-German border. Thanks to its location and natural environment, it is an ideal place for tourists and lovers of skiing.
The origin of Cínovce (called Zinnwald in German) dates back to the 14th century, when tin and silver ore was mined here. Today, Cínovec is an important summer and winter resort. In winter, the Krušnohorská magistrály ski route runs through Cínovec.
Take a look at the cameras from Cínovce and follow the current snow conditions so that the snow does not surprise you :-)
webcam Cínovec , webcam Cínovec - Pomezí , webcam Zinnwald
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Are you going to go to area Cínovec? Such you are correctly with us :-). On the map, you will find webcams from the area Cínovec and its surroundings. Thanks to online footage from the webcams of the area Cínovec and its surroundings, you can set off at the right time and in sunny weather.
You are planning a holiday, a trip or a business trip in the next days and you are not sure what the weather will be like? Check out the weather forecast at - Czech Republic - Cínovec and you will immediately know if to wait a few more days. :-)
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Webcam Cínovec on the map
The mountain town of Cínovec is located in the Ore Mountains. Cínovec lies on the state border of the Czech Republic with Germany at an altitude of 835 meters. The village has two border crossings and a border trail for pedestrians and cyclists. The trail is located by the road towards the border crossing for passenger transport in Moldova.
Today's Cínovec is formed by the former settlement Zadní Cínovec. The former second village, Přední Cínovec, lay about 5 kilometers to the east and was destroyed after the Germans were displaced. The existence of the settlement Cínovec (Zinnwald) was recorded in the 14th century. The medieval development of the settlement took place under the influence of mining activities - tin ore mining.
Cínovec also serves as a starting point for visitors to the Ore Mountains. A number of marked hiking and cycling trails lead from the town. Cold mountain windy weather in summer prevails here with an average temperature of 12 to 14 ° C. Most of the roughly two hundred houses and cottages are used for recreation. In winter, Cínovec is a paradise for skiers, the long-distance cycling and skiing route Krušnohorská magistrála passes through it, and the ski area is nearby. In summer, in Cínovec there is the possibility of swimming in a natural pond and you can also use the local golf course. In the vicinity of Cínovec there is a nature reserve - peat bog. Among the monuments of the village is the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary from the 18th century, surrounded by an interesting mountain cemetery.
Are you planning to go to the Ore Mountains to Cínovec? Check out webcams from Cínovec and the surrounding area with us. Do not you rely only on the weather forecast, check with us the current status on the spot. Watch the current footage from the cameras from Cínovec and you will immediately know what the weather is like. On the map, you will find webcams from the town of Cínovec and its surroundings.
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